Registration Einführung in die Grundlagen der Achtsamkeit VI

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Die Beantwortung der folgenden Fragen dient der Seminarvorbereitung der Dozent∗innen und des Instituts. Ihre Angaben werden vertraulich behandelt. Falls Sie zu einer Frage keine Angaben machen möchten oder können, tragen Sie bitte ein: Keine Angaben.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Mithilfe





€ 160,00

The personal data is stored for the purpose of electronic data processing and is subject to data protection. All persons who have access to the data undertake not to pass these on to third parties. The storage of data is only for the purpose of registration and the personal information of the user and possibly his legal representative.
* I have read the privacy policy and agree that contractor and user data are stored electronically. .
General Terms & Conditions
Our general terms and conditions apply to this agreement.
* I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.

* I agree with the aforementioned conditions and register for Einführung in die Grundlagen der Achtsamkeit VI from 11-01-2020 until 12-01-2020.